Monday, January 3, 2022

Letter to Donors and Supporters 2022 JAN 03

The Saint Timothy Society welcomes guidance, suggestions, and other helpful input from our donors, supporters, friends, and other members of the public sympathetic to our doctrinal position and goals. Below is a web version of our letter to donors from 2022 JAN 03. The .pdf version is available at

January 3, 2022

The Board of Directors The Saint Timothy Society For Lutheran Seminary Scholarship

Dear Friends, Supporters and Donors,

At our annual meeting on December 11 the board of directors resolved to ask your advice in disbursing the remaining fund balances you have so graciously made possible to support Tom Aadland’s work as a visiting professor at the Lutheran College in Matongo, Kenya. As we noted in our letter to you from June, 2021 was the last year that the Saint Timothy Society will be directly involved in supporting Tom’s position as a visiting professor in Kenya. Tom’s report to us on December 11 suggested we use the remaining funds to support other professors at Matongo, Kenya. Another suggestion was to use the funds as a stipend for Tom so that he could prepare his course notes, lectures, syllabus, bibliographies and related materials for distribution online so that others might benefit from them. Yet another suggestion was to use the money as part of our student medical emergency fund for seminarians and their families in Kenya.

Should you have ideas or preferences regarding these three options, we would like to hear from you. Should you have suggestions for the remaining funds for projects other than these, we would welcome these, as well as ideas for other future projects, including those listed on our web page at As we mentioned in our June letter, we welcome donor input and guidance, along with the clarity and precision that comes with active and involved donors.

If you have ideas, preferences, or suggestions, it would be very much appreciated if we could hear from you in the next two months, as we plan to disburse the fund balance no later than April. Please contact us at


Our chaplain would also be delighted to call you if you prefer, and and his email is

. Prof. Aadland continues to help us at the Saint Timothy Society and he also would be very pleased to hear from you.

In this Christmas season we sing the carol “A Great and Mighty Wonder” which tells us to “Repeat the hymn again”. So please allow us this repetition as we encourage all of you who have been so generous in your donations for Tom’s position as a visiting professor to continue to give to other agencies such as Mission Central in Iowa and to the Office of International Missions of the LCMS in Saint Louis.

Should you wish to share and discuss this letter with other donors, supporters, committee members and others with an interest at your church or organization, please also note that a .pdf version can be found at See our contact information at . For those less inclined to use the internet, please use that URL (also linked at top right of our website). If we miss your call, please leave us a message and we will try to return your call within 24 hours.


The Board of Directors The Saint Timothy Society

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